Today i started working at my new place..Its in the bermuda triangle...ehh, the place where bkt bintang - jln sultan ismail- raja chulan resides...alaaa....demm...cant ingat what its call..."something triangle"...ohh triangle <---direct translation dowh... -
segi tiga emasHmm my journey started at 6.20am.. woke up and perform my prayers n -
mandi , then i went to work exactly at 7am.. whaah.. -
giler punctual... trying to catch the first good impression...hihi...
I walk towards Putra LRT ( disclosed station) and hoping to catch an empty train...lucky me la..this morning was raining, so many commuters prefer to go by their own transport...but not me, -
aku berikrar untuk menggunakan public transport
pada hari pertama masuk kerja..
at the station, (it was way back since i use public transport) i saw many people queing up the line to enter the lrt even before the lrt came..wahh, malaysian are becoming so -
tersusun , oh well, ikut kan ajer i queud up and waited for the train to come...
About one-two minutes of waiting, the train
berpusu-pusu la people came in, and i managed to squeezed in.
Stesen berikut nyer... Dang station Dang Wangi..
Yeay!!!... i finally reached Dang Wangi, so my next stop is Monorel Bukit Nanas.. I need to walk about 5 minutes to reach there...
- Amatlah bodoh bagi pihak ker**aan kerana menyediakan infrastruktur yang tak, lrt kat negara nie ada 3 jenis, STAR, Putra, Monorel... kesemua ini di pegang oleh 3 bangsa besar di malaysia... cina, melayu, india.. i dont care sape yang pegang apa...but the fact is...kenapa sibuk buat tapi tak fikirkan pasal rakyat..stupid people... kenapa tak integrate kan kesemua nya and let them lines interconnect with each other...kenapa negara lain boleh, kenapa kita tak boleh...even the so called kl sentral pun monorel tu sesat kat luar building...funny...arghhh....politics suxx...
btw, i'm typing with the company's laptop...its a slim laptop, tapi i still prefer my Compaq laptop coz the keyboard arrangement is much more nicer...even the touchpad boleh disabled, but not this laptop....
end of intermission
after reaching Sultan Ismail station, i walk towards my office...dang!!.. the clock showd 7:46 am.. i supposed to
lapor diri at 9 am...i still got a lots of time before what to do ek??
i called her, she said...go n search the -
surau and a place to eat la -
sayang...hmm thats a good idea..
so i went and ask the
-pakcik cleaner for the designated places... -
adik boleh pergi tingkat 11 untuk ke surau..tapi kena naik lift bomba untuk ke surau ataupun naik tingkat 12 lepas tu turun tangga...kalau nak makan, dekat belakang bangunan nie ada kedai makan, kalau nak kedai mamak pun i said -
terima kasihso i start my next journey to the kedai mamak...since i bought my breakfast already, i just ordered a drink and had my breakfast while reading the newspaper... the headline " YOGA BANNED!!"
after i had my breakfast, i head towards the office..
ting... level 16...
i report to duty to the HR... i was given this laptop..DELL Latitude D430.. i wish it was a MAC...
i was de-briefed about the company...yada...yada...yada....hmm but the most interesting part...this company who supplied and maintained the maxis caller ringtone service....the back end system was done by us...
after that, i was showed to my new desk, my own cubicle...bigger than before...i still like small....coz its cozy...but now its bigger....not better....
got my own extension line....
@ 1 pm i went out for lunch...since its near to Bkt Bintang, so i planned to go there..but first, i head down to level 11 and perform what i needed to do first....
around 1.15 i started my objective is to find Bagman sling bag for was supposed to be a suprise birthday present..hihi...i went down searching for that bag...but all shops said -
sulah abis ....alamak
feeling dissapointed....i head back towards the office...
Started reading the documentations, manuals for the colleague told me that i need to study it, learn and fammiliarize with it by this week coz next week he will be bringing me to the client site....
-ngantuk.. only around 5 i realised and understand what did i read..and the things got more interesting...
but i need to go for my do the usual stuff...head towards level 11 and yada..yada...yada....
i entered back the office around 5.20...after reading it as it gets more interesting, the HR manager called me...
"lets go, i'll introduce you to all the staffs, ok..."
after all the introduction, as i was about to start studying.... the clock showd 5.58pm... its time to go back!!!
so i start packing...closing this laptop... and head towards the monorel and hoping to clash into her in the LRT at Dang Wangi as we promised to meet up in the evening...
i reached LRT Dang Wangi at 6.20pm and switch to Putra LRT and head towards home...
well, this is my journey today...