yesterday we had a farewell dinner at shabu-shabu Summit USJ.. its a korean steambot dinner... they charge the dinner as per pot and as per plate (ala-ala sushi plate)

makanan dier kire ok la...ade dua jenis soup...tomyam, n normal soup...so aku ngan kakak aku coz we all datang lambat, dah tersedia segala2 nyer...

the story is not about the food okay! the story is about one family making a decision of migrating to New Zealand for the sake of their children's education...why?? becoz kat mesia nie, blum tentu you will be able to study things that you like...and also..in NZ, education is based on job requirements..... not like mesia, where demand is lower than resource...get it??
semalam kire last family dinner la...sedih gak la..tapi nak buat camne....they need to do that...so we have to be supportive to them la kan....

here both is my cousins...the person we want to focus here is the boy..not the chick... the chick will be staying here in mesia...the boy's name is tahfiz..the full name need to be disclosed (imperidal.blogspot.com)..he is the eldest of 4 siblings...i can still remember his face masa kecik-kecik dulu...so cute!!...i'm gonna miss you abang....he previously studied at Sekolah Menengah Islam Hira'.. he likes football,futsal, real madrid... previously we usually play futsal..a family futsal..famillies day out...arghhh..gonna miss that day!!!

this small one is the youngest from the 4 siblings..its little alia...did you know when she was small, she has the look alike of my cousin who got married previously..Azhar aka aha...when she came back from UK...she speak the omputih slang...gud day mate!!...i'm gonna miss you alia...
and last but not least is....

me,myself and aida n aishah...aida is the 2nd from 4 siblings...aida is the one on the left...she is the kakak..a garang kakak indeed
take care guys!!
we are all going to miss you alot.....
tonight is the last night we will be seeing you guys...the flight to melbourne from LCCT at around 11-12am tonight is the last night we are together as a family here in bumi Malaysia...
i promise i'll go there...
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